Standard and Premium Cosmetic Dentures

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Premium Cosmetic Dentures

Premium denture teeth Major Plus Comp

There is a significant difference between standard, premium and precision dentures.  Premium dentures look much more like natural teeth than standard dentures.  As a result, they are often referred to as Premium Cosmetic Dentures or just Cosmetic Dentures.  They are also made using higher quality materials than standard dentures.Further, additional techniques and procedures that are not included with standard dentures are used to record all facial information so as to recreate the character of the patient’s smile plus restore the natural contour of their lips and facial muscles.  Their eyes, eyeglasses and hair color are also considered.  Premium tooth lines  such as Marjor Plus Composite teeth made from modern BioComposite materials are also used and offer an very wide range of materials, moulds and shades designed to look more like natural teeth.  By using these specific techniques, procedures and high quality materials, your patient’s new dentures will look life-like and have optimal fit, function and appearance.   Order premium dentures for your patient today!

Precision Dentures

Patient’s can further enhance premium dentures by performing additional adjustments and techniques to make them fit more precisely.  These are known as Precision Dentures.  With precision dentures, you need to book more appointments to get precise measurements. Preliminary impressions are taken and instead of using them to make the denture itself, they are used to fabricate custom impression trays that precisely fit the patient’s mouth. This second, more accurate impression you take using trays which details the gums as well as the surrounding muscles and tissues.

Patients who have unusual conditions in their Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) or oral cavities may require additional extensive measurements to accommodate their needs  Precision dentures incorporate extensive measurements of your TMJ as well as your oral cavity. These measurements are transferred to a precise semi adjustable instrument that closely duplicates the natural movement of the patient’s jaw. The measurements allow you to recreate the intricate movements associated with how the patient eats. Additional measurements guide the placement of the patient’s teeth for maximum esthetics and speech with the new denture.

A special measurement called a face-bow transfer is then used to measure your head and bone structure as well. This is used to record what is unique to the patient and transfers it to an articulator that replicates the characteristics and movement of your patient’s jaw to ensure the perfect fit of your denture.

Premium Cosmetic Dentures and Precision dentures instill confidence in your patients and provide optimum function while eating, speaking or laughing.  Further they:

• Don’t look like dentures.

• Can be based of old photos of your patient’s smile.

• Help eliminate distortion, pressure points, occlusal interferences.

• Reduce micro parasites that can generate odour and infection-causing bacteria.

• Have high impact strength as well as wear & fracture resistance.

• Have long term colour stability.

• Are thoroughly tested prior to being sent back to your clinic

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Order standard dentures for your patient today!

Standard dentures

There is a large variance in the quality and selection of denture materials. The teeth used to make dentures come in a wide variety of materials, moulds, shades and degrees of hardness. A standard denture is a basic conventional denture made using standard materials with limited tooth moulds and shades.  Standard denture teeth tend to wear down at a faster rate and need to be replaced more often than precision denture teeth.

Standard dentures will fit comfortably and function acceptably well however, they are constructed using physiological averages on a non-adjustable machine meaning there are situations where precision dentures will have superior fit and function.

Both standard and premium precision dentures are meant to replace what is missing from the patient`s oral cavity and ensure natural results and esthetics.  However Premium Cosmetic Dentures are dentures that look exactly like real beautiful teeth.  With premium dentures your patient`s spouses, girlfriend/boyfriend, coworkers and other family members won’t even know they have a denture.  Your patient will have a more  natural looking smile with a premium cosmetic denture and won’t be as anxious about socializing, working and going out in public.

Order standard dentures for your patient today!